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Manual – 005 Procedure for Quality Assurance Management of Contractors

1. Purpose

The purpose of this International Procedure is to describe the requirements for the quality management of contractors; to describe the role of contract giver sites in this context and to provide a model for the development of Quality Assurance Agreements with Contractors

2. Scope and Applicability

This procedure is applicable to the management of contractors to contract giver Operations that supply APIs, API intermediates and starting materials, bulk formulated products, finished packs, QC testing, distribution and commercial stability studies.

Taking into account the exceptions listed in Section 5.7, the procedure is applicable to in-licensed products that continue to be manufactured by the licensor and are supplied to contract giver for marketing/distribution.

Out-licensed products and the tactical supply of materials/products required for Research and Development, including clinical trials are outside the scope of this procedure unless the same
contractor is expected to supply materials/products for commercial use.

3. Definitions

3.1 Contract Acceptor (Contractor)

A person or entity agreeing to provide the sponsor with a service or material/product according to sponsor’s specified requirements and intellectual property.

Note: Sponsor will retain ownership of any method or process used to manufacture the material made at a contractor.

3.2 Contract Giver

The Sponsor or a person who approves the acquisition of a service or material/product on behalf of Sponsor.

3.3 Receiving Site

A Manufacturing Site receiving a specified material/product from a contractor.

3.4 Lead Site

In this Procedure the Lead Site is the site nominated in the Vendor and Contractor Database to be accountable for conducting specified material/product related QA activities.

Out Sourcing and Procurement group will undertake some parts (material/product release excepted) of the role of the Lead Site during the selection and establishment of new contractors for API and API intermediates and starting materials.

These responsibilities shall be fully transferred from procurement group to the Lead Site by the end of the establishment phase unless agreed otherwise by the Lead Site involved. In the case of ongoing involvement of procurement group in the maintenance phase, the agreed split of responsibilities shall be documented.

A Lead Site shall be identified for each material/product manufactured by a particular Contractor. These will be assigned using the following criteria and recorded in the vendor assurance and Contractor Database:

CategoryContractor ActivityBasis for Lead Site Assignment
1API intermediate/Starting MaterialSite assigned to receive and further process the material
2APISite assigned to receive, or carry out final processing stage of, API.
3Formulated Product ProcessingSite with a current or previous history of the manufacture of a product (preferred), or product type.

Formulated Product Packing (only) for designated markets

• Regional supply

• Local Supply

Focus Packing Site for region. Local Site with current or previous history of packing product (preferred), or Focus Packing Site for region


Contract Laboratory conducting in-process testing/release testing/stability testing (only)

As Category 2. for API/Intermediate/Starting Material

As Category 3. for Formulated Product Processing and Packing.

When more than one Lead Site option is identified by using these criteria, geographical proximity, technical knowledge and involvement in the supply chain of the product shall be considered to finalize the assignment of Lead Site.

3.5 Quality Assurance Agreement

A written and binding agreement between a Contract Giver and Contract Acceptor that clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of the Contract Giver and Contract Acceptor in the provision of a service, product, project or study.

3.6 Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site

The site assigned by Supply and Capability (S&C) to coordinate GMP related interactions and issues between an established contractor and Sponsor when the contractor supplies different materials/products assigned to more than one Lead Site.

In some cases, the role of the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site may be fulfilled by QA & Dossier Management Group, (e.g. overseas local formulation, packing and distribution contractors) or procurement (some APIs, Intermediates and Starting Materials).

Note: When there is no Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site assigned, e.g. when the contractor makes only one product for Sponsor, the Lead Site shall fulfill all responsibilities assigned to the Lead Site and the Quality Assurance Agreement Site in this Procedure.

3.7 Starting Material

In this procedure, a Starting Material is a material that has been manufactured at a Contractor specifically for Sponsor.

3.8 In-licensed Product

In this procedure, an in-licensed product is a product for which:

–  Sponsor has licensed the marketing rights from another company, holds a Marketing Authorization for the product and has a supply agreement with the company from which the marketing rights were licensed.


– Sponsor has licensed the marketing rights from another company, holds a Marketing Authorization for the product and has a supply agreement with a third-party company.


– Sponsor has licensed the right to market the product under its own trade name and/or mark but does not own the Marketing Authorization. The company that owns the Marketing Authorization manufactures the product and supplies it to Sponsor.

3.9 Contractor Status (Quality and Compliance Systems)

Contractor Status is assigned by the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site based on its  assessment of the effectiveness of the contractor’s quality and compliance systems in place to assure that the activities undertaken by the contractor site, i.e. the activities specified in the Quality Assurance Agreement, are under control. Contractor status may be:

– Acceptable (approved)- no or minor issues only

– Major issues and concerns with the contractor that are being addressed.

– Disapproved/recommendation to find alternative supply or suspend supply until significant improvements are made.

Note: This overall assessment may be sub-classified by manufacturing stage, e.g. API intermediates, APIs, Formulation, Packing and Laboratory Testing.

3.10 Certification

Is the act of approving (accepting) quality control results provided by the supplier or contractor in relation to a specific material/product, thereby eliminating the need to undertake some or all laboratory tests on receipt of that material/product at Sponsor unless specifically required to meet regional/local GMP and/or import regulations.

3.11 De-certification

Is the act of reverting back to full or partially increased laboratory testing of a specific material/product on its receipt from the supplier or contractor.

3.12 Certified Material/Product – (Includes starting materials, intermediates, APIs, excipients, formulated products and finished products)

A certified material/product is a material/product supplied to Sponsor that is released by Sponsor or released by the supplier or contractor directly into Sponsor’s distribution chain, without repeat laboratory testing by Sponsor or an independent laboratory approved by Sponsor.

A certified material/product may undergo additional laboratory testing by Sponsor or an independent laboratory approved by Sponsor, if the contractor does not perform all tests required to release the material/product.

3.13 De-Certified Material/Product

A de-certified material/product is a material/product that has had its ‘certified’ status revoked.

4. Responsibilities

4.1       Supply Chain group is responsible for maintaining an up to date list of contractors to Sponsor Operations.

4.2     The Quality Management group is responsible for assigning a Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site for each contractor that supplies APIs, intermediates, starting materials, formulated and or packed products to the Lead Site. This assignment will be based on technical know-how and geographical proximity.

4.3       Dossier Management Group is responsible for providing relevant Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) documentation relating to internationally sourced or internationally marketed materials/products to the contractor via the Lead Site, to enable the contractor to create regulatory-compliant Master Batch Records and laboratory test methods.

4.4       Dossier Management Group is also responsible for distributing an electronic copy of the ‘contractor version’ of the Quality and Compliance Manual to all Lead Sites and Quality Assurance Coordination Sites.

Research and Development

4.5   Process Research Department and Pharmaceutical and Analytical Research Department are responsible for transferring newly developed APIs/Intermediates/Starting Materials and Formulated Products respectively to the contractor

4.6       Process Research Department and Pharmaceutical and Analytical Research Department are responsible for transferring appropriate ‘know how’, including laboratory test methods to the Lead Site to enable it to fulfill its responsibilities identified in this Procedure.

Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site

4.7       The Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site is responsible for having a Quality Assurance Agreement in place that is jointly approved by the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site (on behalf of each the Lead Sites involved) and the contractor, for each contractor to which they have been assigned.

Note: Quality Assurance Agreements covering materials/products supplied to more than one Lead Site shall have material/product specific appendices approved by the appropriate Lead Sites.

4.8       Each Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site shall maintain an overview of  any issues raised by Lead Site and is responsible for establishing a program of regular contacts with contractors, agreeing quality related performance indicators to be used to assess contractor performance, conducting an annual review of contractor quality systems and compliance status and for agreeing and monitoring progress against GMP improvement plans at contractors.

4.9     Each Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site is responsible for arranging periodic (see note) audits of the contractor. The Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site shall ensure appropriate input from the involved Lead/Receiving Sites when planning an audit and the involvement of auditors from a Lead Site (s) in the audit team when there are product specific issues.

Note: The frequency of audits may vary according to the products involved, the activities carried out and the previous history of the contractor, e.g. contractors manufacturing sterile products will be audited annually whereas other contractors may be audited less frequently. All contractors shall be audited at least every third year.

4.10     Each Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site is responsible for ensuring that the quality systems employed at contractor meet the minimum requirements of Sponsor Operations together with the specific requirements of all markets that will receive materials/products made by the contractor.

Sponsor Legal Affairs

4.11     Sponsor Legal Affairs is responsible for reviewing any Quality Assurance Agreement that involves more than one Sponsor Legal entity and/or is not based on the standard template agreed with Sponsor legal Affairs.

Lead Site

Note: When there is no Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site assigned, e.g. when the contractor makes only materials/products for one Lead Site, the Lead Site shall fulfill all responsibilities assigned to the Quality Assurance Agreement Coordination Site and the Lead Site in this Procedure.

4.12     Each Lead Site is responsible for ensuring that appropriate links are maintained between the contractor and Sponsor QA and Regulatory processes including but not exclusively:

* Manufacturing Change Management Process (MCM)

* Dossier Management Group (DMG), to maintain the currency and accuracy of the Chemistry, Manufacture and Controls (CMC) Dossier for internationally sourced or internationally marketed products.

* Labeling Changes

* The commercial stability program, including timely Out of Specification (OOS) reporting and periodic data reporting.

* Product Defect, Customer Complaints and Product Recall procedures.

* Annual Product Review

4.13      Each Lead Site (together with its local regulatory group) is responsible for maintaining the currency and accuracy of the Chemistry, Manufacture and Controls (CMC) Dossier for locally marketed products made at a contractor.

4.14     Each Lead Site is responsible for supporting the Quality Assurance Agreement  Co-ordination Site in carrying out the responsibilities described in 4.7 – 4.10.

4.15     Each Receiving Site is responsible for ‘certifying’ the materials/products it receives from a contractor site based on advice from the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site (on quality and compliance history and current status) and Lead Site (on product quality aspects, including quality history of the contractor).

All Groups

4.16     Procurement, QA management and Dossier Management Group or the Operations Site assigned as a Receiving Site, Lead Site, or Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site to a contractor site is responsible for providing sufficient resources to support the Quality Assurance Agreement.

4.17      All groups are responsible for entering and maintaining the data in the Vendor Assurance and Contractor Database (see Section 5.5)

5. Procedure

Note: When it is proposed to select a contractor to carry out part or all of manufacture ofclinical trial material/product with the intention that the chosen contractor will later supplycommercial material/product, the QA (Formulated Products) and (APIs, Intermediates and Starting Materials) shall collaborate to ensure that the contractor selected will be acceptable to both R&D and Operations.

5.1 Selection Phase

It is essential that the Lead Site be assigned as early as possible in the contractor selectionphase. The supply chain mgt. shall assign the Lead Site when the decision is taken to outsource manufacture of a material/product.  The Lead Site shall be represented on the project team that is responsible for selection of thecontractor. Further guidance on the process for contractor selection of is included in Section 8.1 Appendix I.

5.1.1 Quality Assurance Agreements

For contractors not previously used to manufacture, supply, test and/or distribute sponsor’s materials/products, the QA representative of the Lead Site shall:

* Agree the QA contacts between sponsor and the contractor;

* Share the principles included in this Procedure, and the criteria for certification (see Section 5.3.2) with the contractor;

* Audit the contractor with reference to the activities to be included in the Quality Assurance Agreement;

* Develop with the contractor a Quality Assurance Agreement and either approve the Agreement on behalf of sponsor or identify the person who shall approve on behalf of sponsor.

* If required, develop with the contractor a GMP improvement plan to address any deficiencies highlighted during the earlier assessment;  and agree the  process for monitoring progress and maintaining regular contact with the contractor for QA issues.

For contractors previously established to carry out similar activities for the sponsors products, the Lead Site will assist the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site in updating the Quality Assurance Agreement and other information mentioned above to include the needs of the additional material/product to be manufactured by the contractor.

The Lead site, in consultation with the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site, shall agree with the contractor on how links will be maintained between the contractor and sponsor’s QA processes, such as:

* Manufacturing Change Management Process (MCM)

* Dossier Management group to maintain the currency and accuracy of CMC Dossier for internationally sourced or internationally marketed products(s).

* Labeling changes

* The commercial stability program, including timely Out of Specification (OOS) reporting and periodic data reporting.

* Product Defect, Customer Complaints and Product Recall procedures.

* Annual Product Reviews.

* Sponsor’s Legal Affairs shall review any new Quality Assurance Agreement:

* Quality Assurance Agreements shall be reviewed also by the Toll Manufacturing Manager in Supply and Manufacturing to eliminate conflicts with respect to tolling arrangements.

5.2 Establishment Phase

5.2.1 Technology Transfer and Validation

A project team, including technical and QA representatives of the Lead Site, and representatives of the contractor shall be constituted to manage the transfer of technology to the contractors. Dossier Management group shall be assigned to the team to ensure that the CMC aspects of the transfer are adequately covered.

5.2.2 Pre-Approval Inspection (PAI)

The Project Team referred to in Section 5.2.1 shall carry out co-ordination of PAI preparations at contractors.  In the case of contractors chosen for new products, the supply chain shall be accountable for the PAI readiness of contractors on a timescale consistent with overall business plans.

Compliance Management Group, in collaboration with the Lead Site, sponsor’s QA and the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site, shall ensure that an appropriate team is identified to audit any contractor that has not previously supplied the sponsor product to the market and is intended to be used for the supply of product to the market.

Based on the outcome of the audits and other interactions with the contractor, the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site and Lead Site shall advise the compliance team on the contractor’s state of PAI readiness. Compliance shall advise the state of readiness of all contractors included in a submission.

5.3 Maintenance Phase

At the beginning of the Maintenance Phase the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site, Lead Site and Receiving Sites shall update the information in the Vendor Assurance and Contractor Database (see Section 5.5), including the status for the quality systems and compliance level of the contractor and the certification status for each material/product supplied by the contractor.

5.3.1 Contractor Status (Quality and Compliance Systems)

Contractor Status shall be assessed/assigned by the Quality Assurance Agreement Coordination Site. This status may be:

– Acceptable (approved) – no or minor issues only

– Major issues and concerns with the contractor that are being addressed.

– Disapproved/recommendation to find alternative supply or suspend supply until significant improvements are made.

The ‘Contractor Status’ is determined by the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site and reviewed annually as a minimum, taking into account all activities performed by the contractor and any issues arising during liaison meetings, audits and ongoing product supply – see also Section 5.3.3

Note: This overall assessment may be sub-classified by manufacturing stage, e.g. API intermediates, APIs, Formulation and Packing.

5.3.2 Material/Product Certification/De-certification

The sponsor site(s) receiving the material/product, in consultation with Coordination Site and Lead Site shall decide the certification status of a material/product. If no sponsor site receives the material/product, the Lead Site shall decide the certification status.

To be certified, a material/product must have been manufactured by a contractor site that has both:

– Acceptable quality and compliance systems in place to assure that the manufacturing steps undertaken by the supplier contractor site are under control. and

– Demonstrated that it can consistently manufacture the material/product within its pre-determined specifications and quality attributes.

These criteria may already have been met by the end of the establishment phase.

The contractor shall provide to the site receiving the ‘certified’ material/product, on a batch-by-batch basis:

– A Certificate of Analysis conforming to the agreed format;

– A Certificate of Manufacturing/cGMP Compliance (this may be combined with the Certificate of Analysis);  and

– Deviation reports where there are excursions outside the acceptable ranges given in the Batch Record.

– OOS investigation reports, including those conducted as a result of post-production surveillance programs, e.g. commercial stability studies.

The above information is a minimum. Other documents may be requested, e.g. specimen batch sheets and executed documentation shall be requested on a needs basis e.g. for submission to Regulatory Authorities.

The contractor shall provide also:

– Reports of stability studies conducted by the contractor to a frequency agreed with the Lead Site (and DMG for internationally sourced or marketed products).

– An Annual Product Review (If any market specifically requires Annual Product Reviews).

The Lead Site, at its own discretion, shall determine the process for the approval of updates to master batch documentation.

5.3.3 Ongoing Review of Contractor Performance

In parallel with the activities described in Section 5.3.2  a program of ongoing technical/QA liaison meetings shall be agreed between the contractor and the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site. Lead Sites shall be represented at these meetings if there are product specific issues to be discussed.

The Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site shall institute a program of ongoing assessment of the contractor and agree corrective programs as appropriate. The Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site shall involve the Lead Sites as necessary to prepare for, and conduct, the assessment. The assessment shall include:

– A review of the Quality Assurance Agreement;

– An ongoing review of the regulatory history

– A review of any audit findings, including laboratory controls, for audits carried out by regulatory agencies or by the sponsor

– A review of the effectiveness of the contractor’s  quality and compliance systems against a pre-agreed set of criteria/targets;

– A review of the quality of the material/products supplied by the contractor, including review(s) of trends seen in Certificates of Compliance, Certificates of Analysis and commercial stability studies, customer complaints, adverse events (provided by the Lead Sites).

The Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site shall produce annually a written summary of contractor performance based on these reviews, include a copy of this in the vendor assurance and Contractor Database and update the status assigned to the contractor’s quality and compliance systems in the Database.

The Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site shall provide updates on the status of their contractors in accordance with the requirements for reporting to compliance.

In the event that the ongoing review of the performance of the contractor gives cause for Concern, the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site in collaboration with the Lead Site(s) shall bring forward the periodic audit of the contractor and establish an agreed improvement plan with the contractor which may include product testing and documentation review until the contractor re-acquires the appropriate standard.

Exceptionally, the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site may recommend to Compliance that supply from the contractor is suspended or that a new contractor is selected/established (Red Status).

5.4 Records and Samples Retention

The originals of all manufacturing records and samples required to satisfy cGMP requirements for the activities conducted by the contractor shall be retained by the contractor for the minimum period required by cGMP codes.

Sponsor and the contractor shall retain the originals of other records that each party creates/approves for an appropriate period. (Responsibility for records co-signed by both the contractor and sponsor shall be agreed between the signatories and documented)

Records and samples retention shall be included in the scope of audits of the contractor.

5.5 Vendor Assurance and Contractor Database

QA management shall provide and administer a database to retain summary information on vendors and contractors providing materials/products to sponsor or conducting manufacturing, packing, laboratory testing or distribution activities on behalf of sponsor.

The database shall be fully populated and kept current by the appropriate Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination, Lead and Receiving Sites with copies of relevant original records held within each site according to the responsibilities of the sponsor site with respect to the contractor and the materials/products/services supplied by the contractor.

The following information/records are required:

* Contractor Name

* Contractor Site Location Name

* Contractor Site Country

* Contractor Site Plant/Facility/Unit Name

* Material Name

* Material Type

* Material Manufacturing Stage

* Lead Site

* Receiving Site

* Contractor Site Address Note: include name of Contractor’s QA Contact(s) and e- mail address(es) in comments field.

* Contractor Site Phone Number

* Contractor Site Fax Number

* Quality Assurance Agreement Document

* GMP Certification Document

* QAAC Site (if assigned)

* Primary sponsor QA Contact(s) for Contractor

* Annual Contractor Review Document

* Audit Frequency

* Date of last audit.

* Manufacturing Stage Quality and Compliance Systems Status(es)

* TSE Document

* TSE Status

* Solvents Document

* AHPIS Document

* Product Certification Status

* Receiving Site Contact

* Denotes the minimum information required to create a new product record in the Database.

Further details are included in the Database User Guide.

5.6       Application to Existing Contractors

The QA Function of the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site and Lead Sites shall adopt the activities outlined in the Maintenance Phase (5.3) and put in place a QA Agreement reflecting the relationship with the contractor.

5.7       Application to In-licensed Products

The procedure is fully applicable to in-licensed products that are manufactured at a contractor to sponsor that is not the licensor nor a contractor to the licensor.

With the following exceptions the procedure is applicable to in-licensed products that continue to be manufactured by the licensor or a contractor to the licensor:

– The selection phase and the technology transfer process from sponsor company to the licensor does not exist.

– If the licensor is registered as responsible for the release, the product has a certified status unless or until circumstances arise that warrant de-certification.

– If the licensor continues to own the Marketing Authorization it is responsible for maintaining the Authorization and providing sponsor with copies of the currently approved Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) documentation.

– If sponsor owns the Marketing Authorization the CMC documentation is either managed by Dossier Management Group (DMG) or more likely, by the regulatory department of the sponsor Marketing Company that owns the marketing rights.

– A technology transfer process of analytical methods from the licensor to sponsor may be needed.

6. Appendices

Appendix I –Guidance on the process for contractor selection

The Lead Site should be represented on the project team that is responsible for selection of a contractor.

The Lead Site should assign both Technical Support staff and QA staff to this team. This team should:

* Review the contractor database to determine if there is a contractor that is currently used which will meet the requirements for outsourcing

* Provide a rough-cut estimate of the sponsor resources that are required for this phase

* And review the history of the contractor including GMP status to generate a preferred candidate list.

The Lead Site should consult the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site (if already assigned to the contractor) to get a detailed assessment of contractor history and status at the start of the Selection Phase and should keep the Quality Assurance Agreement Co-ordination Site informed on the progress of the Selection Phase.

The team should also take into account other considerations e.g. cost, supply performance etc.

After agreeing a preferred candidate list, the team should determine the technical and QA capability of the contractor and establish a sub-team for final selection of the contractor.

The team should also undertake the following activities:

– Ensure that a secrecy agreement is completed before the release of confidential information to the contractor

– Draft supply and QA agreements for use in their discussions with the candidates; establish what information needs to be transferred to the candidates including technical information e.g. process, analytical methods, and International Procedures/Guidelines.

For contractors not previously used to manufacture, supply and/or test sponsor products, the team should then conduct a formal assessment including GMP standards of the contractor at the contractor facilities and log the information on the Contractor Database.

The Project Team will make a recommendation on the choice of contractor to Operations Senior Management (APIs and formulated products marketed internationally) or Site Management (formulated product packing or products for local marketing) who will make the final decision on whether to use the contractor.

When the contractor to be used has been confirmed the composition of the Project Team should be reviewed and shaped as appropriate, for the establishment phase.  The resources required for the establishment phase should be determined at this point and the agreements referred to above should be finalized.  A Project Manager, if different from the selection phase, should also be appointed.

The project team should decide on whether the contractor or a sponsor site should conduct commercial stability studies on the product, taking into account any existing assignment of commercial stability studies within Operations. The number of sites conducting stability studies on the same commercial product should be kept to a minimum.

A flow diagram of this ‘contractor selection’ process is given on the following figure.

Figure: Quality Management of Contractors